...Because they trusted Tybot Laboratories with their development needs.
We create custom sites to fulfill your vision, built for the modern web with tools like React, Next.js, and Strapi. (If you don't know what these are, trust us, they're far out.)
For attractive and functional display on any device, we utilize responsive design, the gold standard across mobile telephones and supercomputers alike.
Ask us about our e-commerce and animation capabilities, they’re dope as fudge.
According to our research, 100% of websites not created are never seen by their target audience. Don’t let this happen to you.
Utilizing React and React Native to efficiently develop for web, iOS, and Android.
Other weapons of choice include Redux, Apollo, Node.js, DynamoDB, Neo4j, and copious meditation (JK, we mean coffee).
If you want to bring your systems up to the modern era, we can help. Stuck in a paper world? Allow us to digitize (or hybridize) your process. Swimming in spreadsheets? We can consolidate, cloudify, or even turbocharge them with some scripting. Embarrassingly inaccurate and disorganized data? We love us some data — we'll take care of it.
New self-assessment game cartridge coming soon!
our in-house digital storyteller
He has a knack for finding where your ideal customers live online, and singing* your praises to them until they finally give in because they just can’t take it anymore. The goal is attracting loyal fans — so loyal, that they sing your praises to others (because the Professor can’t do it all).
Marketing isn’t as easy as it used to be. We utilize the power of marketing technology (with optional terrible ideas and/or irreverent humor) to set your business apart.
* Yes, Professor Sweaters can actually sing. He may not come cheap but he’s worth it.
Tybot Laboratories is a tiny-but-mighty team of digital builders who turned down modelling contracts worth many tens of dollars to bring their talents to you.
We thrive on the look on your face (slash sound in your voice, slash copious use of emojis) when you first see your vision brought life.
We’re based in beautiful British Columbia, Canada.
We want to hear from you!
Love what you see?
Hate what you see?
Want to work with us?
Browsing blazed and need someone to explain what you just saw?
Our operators are standing by.